Making a Border Box

After completing the hardwood screen project I had a number of pieces of treated pine timber left over. So I thought for the two bottle brush natives out on the nature strip I would create a simple border for them just to formalise it a touch. Previously I had simply dug out a trench around each tree and loaded it up with wood chip. But over time, whenever I came to give it a mow or go around it with the edger it was difficult to know where the border truly was. The creation of the borders should eliminate that problem.

First off I measured out the required lengths of (???) meters and cut each piece at a 45 degree angle opposite to each other. For the 2 planter boxes I required 8 in total and this was easily done using the drop saw. Next thing I decide on was how to put it together so that it would be structurally sound. So I decide to put in each corner a square piece to screw into. Here is a shot of the 2 planter boxes ready for assembly. I wanted to make sure at this point that they were going to fit together easily and correctly.

With the trees being of a decent size I couldn't just put the entire thing together. Instead I assembled three of the four pieces, with the final piece being screwed into place once I had positioned it around the tree. It was a difficult job doing it by myself but I eventually got it done. Here are a couple of shots of the boxes in place.